The benefits of bartending school in Tampa

What are the benefits of going to Bartending school in Tampa? A good one like Elite bartending school Tampa, will give students a fantastic knowledge of mixology and drink recipes, provide training in speed efficiency, POS systems, cash handling, and assist in job placement upon graduation. As you’re researching bartending schools in Tampa, make sure to ask what other skills you’ll learn in addition to just mixing drinks. Since most classes cost hundreds of dollars, be sure your experience is well worth the money and that you will learn more than just cocktail recipes.

Insure that the bartending school of your choice offers great bartending placements or events, building your resume with overwhelming experience is as important as the school you choose.

Here at Elite Bartending School, Tampa we dive deep into the hidden depths of Mixology, Flair, bartending and customer service. We are extremely hand’s on, unlike any other bartending school in existence, focusing on speed and efficiency of bartending, creating good habits that will increase your sales and tips behind the bar.

Because after-all, you are going to bartending school to make money.

We spoke to a bartender in Tampa who took classes online before attending Elite Bartending School, Tampa. He said, “Don’t do the class online!! You need to attend a bartending school. I learn hands on and wanted to build my confidence behind a bar. I did it to make money while I was in grad school. I make more money than I’ve ever seen before.” Elite Bartending school Tampa, helps those with busy schedules learn the skills they need to become a bartender when they may not have the experience to fall back on, Elite Bartending School Tampa offers AM and PM classes that you can alternate between.”

We also spoke to a student in our Orlando location which said “I attended another School before Elite and the education was night and day. The first bartending school I attended taught me in a fake bar and I spent most of my time listening to the instructor. Elite Bartending School Tampa and Orlando offered me a hands-on experience and I learnt in a real bar, now I bartend in Tampa and have worked many events for Elite Bartending School Tampa, the class gave me the confidence to go to interviews and interview with the knowledge that most bartenders don’t have.”

The limitations of bartending school

Unfortunately, not every bartending school  provides the right environment for becoming a masterful bartender. Many classes teach in classrooms and you don’t get to make real drinks throughout the course. While this is fine for pouring and memorizing counts and recipes, it doesn’t adequately prepare anyone to work with real garnishes, flames, or twists. It also doesn’t teach a beginning bartender how a drink should actually taste once it’s made, robbing them of a vital skill that ensures consistent quality in a real bar.

But at Elite Bartending School, Tampa you make lots of real drinks, teaching you how a cocktail should taste, how a cocktail should be balanced and above all Elite teaches you how to construct your own drinks as mixology can only be learnt using real alcohol.

Once in the real world, many bar managers look for a mixology certificate, but also want you to have some experience. At Elite Bartending School, Tampa, Orlando, Miami Beach, Ft Lauderdale, Ft Myers and the Florida Keys locations you are truly offered the opportunity to gain the experience needed after graduation.

Call Elite Bartending School Tampa on 407-639-8188.